Sunday, 28 May 2017

Sedimentary Rock

Now we get to discover more about Sedimentary Rock.... Here are our initial findings and word searches- Most of our class managed to get 100% and we learnt a lot of new scientific vocabulary

Making Hokey Pokey

Igneous rock is rock which goes from a liquid to a solid. We find these rocks in volcanoes. There are 2 types of Igneous rock which includes intrusive and extrusive rock and these are dependent on where they are found and formed. We made Hokey pokey as our igneous rock as it goes from a liquid to a solid when baking soda is added. We had a lot of fun and we made a big mess!! 

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Year 5 Term 2

Science Inquiry
We have enjoyed learning about the chemistry behind bread so far and have experimented making yeast mixes. We found out that yeast is a microorganism that feeds off sugar and when mixed with warm water,  produces carbon dioxide gas which makes bread dough rise. This is the gas that filled the balloons in our experiment.
We wondered what would happen if we did the same experiment but used baking soda instead and what would happen if the water wasn't warm enough or too hot. 
Here is an example of using the number line from the Taputoru group in solving problems of subtraction by partitioning one of the numbers.
We have been applying what we have been learning from a text in planning by creating posters that includes this information.
Here is an example of a small group who collaborated and shared ideas in creating a poster together.


Thursday, 18 May 2017

Mass: God Is Good

Year 6 was on Mass this week. We performed a song called 'God is Good,' we learnt about the Goodness of God and the fact he sent his Holy Spirit as someone who will help to guide us and protect us. He is a Good God and wants the best for us.

Have a look at our performance

Sunday, 14 May 2017


Today we created Goo out of Cornflour and water as part of our Science Inquiry unit. We discussed Chemical Changes, hypothesis, methods and how we then need to explain our Observations and findings. We had a lot of fun and created a massive mess!! Have a look at what we have done

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Place Value

There are 2 types of thinking in maths. Structural Thinking and Relational Thinking. Structural thinking looks at the structure of the number- what it is made up of (eg. How many tens, hundreds, ones etc). Relational thinking looks at the relationships a number has with other numbers. (eg. how many more to get to a tidy number, is it odd or even etc). ALL math strategies are made up of these 2 types of thinking.

We particularly looked at structural thinking and its place value.

Styles of Writing

Stayed tune to see our different styles of writing...

We are learning about writing Reports and Explanations. This will go alongside our Rock inquiry as well as our writing in class.
We want to explain WHY and HOW something happens and then also look at adding research into our writing.

Activator Sport Term 2

We have just begun our second round of Activator Sport sessions. This week we had the focus on Cultural Games. This was a lot of fun and definitely brought out our competitive sides! Have a look at us in action ...

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


Using paper plates we created some ANZAC Art pieces.
We looked at using simply the colours Black, White and Red for poppies.
We learnt about Scumbling (where we used the back of the paint brush to create designs) and dot art (also using the back of the paint brushes)
Our final pieces will be attached with a piece of ANZAC writing

ANZAC Writing

We looked at life in the trenches. We created a class trench and sat/lay in it under gun fire writing a letter to our loved ones at home. A really moving, exciting and interesting learning experience